Learning paths in grow

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Grow FAQs

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What can I learn in the Grow category of Google Play Academy?

In this category, you can learn how to find the right audience for your app, improve your store listing, and get more users. Explore Grow courses to learn more.

What factors help drive app installs?

Some factors that can help drive app installs are following best practices for creating a great user experience, complying with store listing policies, implementing custom store listings and translations, and using store listing experiments.

What is a measurement plan?

A measurement plan can help you decide what to measure with your app or game, what tools to use, and how to interpret your data.

What are the different stages of a game lifecycle?

Every game lifecycle typically has 3 stages: pre-launch, launch, and sustained growth. Creating a measurement plan and setting goals for each stage are important. You can check out Games Business Fundamentals to see examples of common goals for each stage.

Are app analytics and reporting a part of these courses?

Yes. The Set up games reporting in Google Analytics course covers how Google analytics works and how it can help your game, how to set up an App + Web property for data collection and reporting, and how to link other Google products and explore the benefits of doing so.

What is Google Play Console and how does it help me track trends?

Google Play Console is a platform that allows you to monitor your app’s performance in the Google Play store. You can analyze trends in detail with custom dimensions and compare your performance to similar apps on the Play Console dashboard.

How important is user segment strategy in achieving app growth?

Having a user segment strategy allows you to direct different kinds of engaged users towards retention in the most effective way for each group. Check out Shape user segment strategy to prioritize resources to learn more.

What measures can I take to reduce my app’s churn rate?

User's engagement with your app changes before churning. You can identify this change in user engagement and use it to prevent the risk of user churn. Go to Identify predictive patterns to prevent user churn to learn more.

Are there retention metrics that I need to track?

Retention is a long-term strategy. The first few days of user interaction are critical, but focusing on how users behave over time helps build long-term retention. Check out Create retention metrics that actually reflect your app to learn more about the retention metrics.


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